Tuesday, November 28, 2006

My deepest apologies ... and NEWS!

Okay, so I've been out of commission for, like, ahem, a month now, but Turkey Day did interrupt ... along with day job woes, family deals and --

Excuses, excuses.

I'll shut up now, and I'll commit to this: On Mondays at least I shall update this blog. I have a column due that day (newspaper dealie), so I will impose the same deadline for my blog.

On to the rest of the news: I sold book number two!

Working title is WHERE LOVE GROWS, and the best way I can describe it is You've Got Mail goes Down on The Farm ... Due sometime in February, but hopefully, once I get past the day job woes and actually get my Christmas shopping done, I'll be able to hunker down over the computer and write, write, write and get it done super early.


Trish Milburn said...

Congrats on sale 2, Cynthia1

Cynthia Reese said...

Trish, thanks so much for the congrats -- and for checking out my blog after my long hiatus!

MJFredrick said...

Congratulations, Cynthia!!!