to do a little Snoopy dance! Yeah, yeah, I know I usually blog just Monday through Friday, but I managed to power through the rough draft of my proposal.
Yep. Chapter Three is finito!
This is the proposal that I've started and stopped and scrapped and started and stopped and scrapped. It's been a sheer miracle that my CP (the Talented Tawna) and my beta readers have not come completely unglued about all the incarnations this sucker has had.
But I did it! I hung on, and I listened to all the great input my lovely, lovely readers have had, and now ... ah, now, it's done.
OK, so not done, but ready to revise. And then submit.
Gulp. Not thinking about that, not thinking about that. Not. Thinking. About. That.
Just gonna think about how good I feel RIGHT NOW.
And we now return to your regular programming. :-)
I just decided to rewrite my first chapter. AGAIN. I'm going to need a lot of chocolate for this one.
Congrats! Eat some chocolate :) That's how I celebrate. LOL :)
Stephanie, BTDT, so here's some virtual chocolate to get you through the agony.
Thanks, Mia! I have some dark chocolate Hershey kisses that the, ahem, Easter Bunny left me. Guess I'd better enjoy that Easter candy this year, as I WON'T be getting any next year. ;-)
Congratulations. Fancy posting a video of you doing the snoopy dance?? :P
Congratulations! Don't you love it when a plan comes together.
Congrats on finishing your proposal, Cynthia! I love the background of your blog!
YAY! Congratulations!!!
Dolly, if you could see me dance, you'd understand why I DON'T subject innocent victims such a spectacle! :-)
Anne, this plan has been coming apart more often than it's been coming together, but oh, how sweet it is when it DOES come together!
Meghan, I credit my lovely background to a wonderful CP named Stephanie Bose -- talented writer and a terrific mommy-to-be! Me? I'm all thumbs when it comes to HTML. For me HTML stands for How To Mess (up) Life-As-You-Know it!
Nelsa! Squee on your book coming out! Still don't have mine. (Tapping toe.) But this WILL (cue scary music) be rectified. :-)
Good job powering through and getting it done! Nice to meet you in the blogging world!
I found your delightful blog from writing a comment on Anne's. I hope you don't mind me dropping by.
I know how unnerving just thinking about submitting to a publisher or agent can be. I've been rejected more times than a cat at the dog social. Still, a rejection is just one person's opinion. I know you deal with one publisher. But there are others.
Sometimes we re-write to delay taking the risk of rejection. But the well-lived life is one of bravery and belief in your worth. Go for it.
If you have the time and the inclination, come check out my website. I have been led to believe that adding a link to my site is a blog no-no. So I won't. Have a beautiful Sunday. Roland
Thanks, Lola and Julie -- powering through is an apt phrase. Sometimes I felt like I was slogging through knee-deep marshmallow cream ... very tough going, and very tempted to stop along the way!
Roland, LOL at your line about being rejected more times than a cat at a dog social! It's part and parcel of a writer's life, I guess. Long gone are my days of thinking that after The Call, editors would just buy my next MS without question.
Off to find your website, and thanks for checking out my blog!
Way to go, girl!
Wonderful news - congrats!
Congrats and good luck!
We've been gone all weekend, so I'm just now checking blogs and seeing this...
HUGE congrats!!! Way to go!
Admittedly I'm biased, but having read your partial for this one, I know it's going to be a huge hit!
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